Cruises in Euskadi | Basque Country´s Tourism Website | Tourism Euskadi
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Cruises in Euskadi

Euskadi cruise destination

Imagen de un crucero

Euskadi is not only a destination for passengers who arrive by land and air, but also, increasingly, for those who arrive by sea.

The Port of Bilbao is a destination chosen by many of the cruise ships that sail through the Gulf of Biscay. The cruise terminal is located in the beautiful town of Getxo, next to a marina, a leisure area and a beach distinguished with the blue flag by the EU.

The centre of Bilbao is only 20 minutes away by road, there is a bus service that connects the terminal with the beach,the Bizkaia Bridge (World Heritage) and the city of Bilbao.

Imagen de una oficina de turismo

In the cruise terminal at the port there is a tourist office which offers information about the Basque Country.

For its part, the port of Pasaia is another cruise-offer destination. It is very close to the main tourist attractions of Gipuzkoa and the city of San Sebastián is only 5 kilometres away. There is also a regular bus and train service (Topo) that connects the port with San Sebastian.